Welcome to our Pagham Youth Bingo!
This game is our ‘now and future’ – it enables the continued establishment of Pagham Youth Development and its continued progress.
We need your support in a game that is a 3-way win scenario – money for a winner, money for our youth pot and money for a youth team!
The Game…
At each game play, you choose 15 UK
Lotto numbers from 1-59.
Every WEDNESDAY ONLY, 6 numbers are drawn by the National Lottery (not including the Bonus Ball) and you tick off any of your numbers. After however many weeks, the person with all their numbers crossed off shouts out
‘house’ and will claim the game prizes.
(Event of a tie, prizes shared).
The Prizes…
A game prize fund could be exciting and consist of:
• 40% to the winner
• 40% to the youth set-up
• 20% to your chosen Pagham Youth team for a social activity.
Example: 300 players at £1 a week for a game lasting 8 weeks is £2400 – £960 to the winner, £960 to the youth set-up and £480 to a youth team!
Why Play…
You will be helping to support the ongoing development and running costs of the youth set-up. We have nearly 200 youngsters and 15 teams playing football and this all comes at a huge cost. With your help and support, we would like to continue establishing the set-up within the community and Sussex football and to look at how we can advance even further with our expansion plans!
How To Play
1) Pick 15 numbers between 1-59
2) Message your FULL NAME and NUMBERS to 07581 879148 and you will be added to the ‘Bingo Whats App’ group.
3) Complete a £1 a week standing order for:
Wednesday 5th February AND EVERY
Wednesday thereafter.
Natwest Bank
Pagham Football Club
Sort Code: 52-30-04
Account: 30698502
Terms & Conditions
1) Your chosen 15 numbers are set until a winner is announced.
2) You may change your numbers only at the start of a new game.
3) If your standing order fails on the Wednesday of a National Lottery numbers reveal evening, then your game play is void until we start a new game.
4) The Youth Committee decisions are final, so please respect this.